Careers can be a blessing and a burden so let's make your career work for you.

Work with a Career Coach if you have...

Been made redundant and not sure what to do next?

Career coaching can assist if you are...

Considering leaving your current role but have mixed feelings and keep going round in circles?

A Career Coach can help if you are...

Ambitious and driven and would like someone to support your short / medium / long-term career planning?

From receiving frustrating appraisals to onerous application processes, from networking to restructuring, from imposter syndrome to difficult colleagues, jobs are challenging! Such a huge part of our lives, let’s make them work for us! 

North Star Coaching 1:1 sessions can cover a wide-range of career-based topics from very practical support such as CV writing and interview technique, to big-picture thinking around your strengths, values, aspirations and, most importantly, what brings you joy. Overall objectives for the coaching, as well as for each session, are decided by you. Often these include gaining clarity about what you do or do not enjoy in your current role, practical next steps and, of course, securing an exciting new position, which may be full/part-time employment, self-employment, contracting, re-training or retirement. 

  What can you talk about?

Let's talk about you...

Coaching is completely confidential, non-judgemental and solutions-focused. It is YOUR time to declutter your mind and YOUR opportunity to clear away some of the clouds preventing you from finding and following your internal North Star. 

Coaching can be one-off sessions or tailored packages covering a period of time, delivered either face-to-face in or around Knutsford Cheshire, or video call. 

 If you are interested and would like to know more please follow the Email Me link to arrange your first free confidential conversation.

Email Me
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Catherine had a big influence on me quickly getting back into work after redundancy from a company I’d worked 27 years for. In our coaching sessions she was able to guide me from being rather disjointed & uncertain, in terms of job-hunting, to having real confidence & self-awareness in what I could offer prospective employers.

Gary Pearson
Senior Business Manager, West

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